We All Wear Masks

Her Masked - Sonja Quintero

Her Masked – Sonja Quintero

Well, Halloween, has come and gone – I’m still feeling a bit of PHDS (Post Halloween Depression Syndrome)! With all the recent talk of spooks, ghosts and goblins, I’ve seen a lot of haunting imagery lately. This online exhibit at the Lenscratch blog, inspired me to look into my own masks, both metaphorically and physically.

Do masks conceal or do they reveal? What do they say about the people that wear them? How do they make the viewer feel? Elated, scared, or happy?

Are they hiding a past or do they hint at a true nature? Masks can both fascinate and frighten because of their mysterious nature. Masks can allow you to transform your identity without fear of judgment. You can become someone or something else for a brief moment. Or maybe, you can become what you were always meant to be, what you truly feel inside. They can make the wearer feel stronger, less vulnerable, while at the same time, making the viewer feel uncomfortable and uncertain.

They can “mask” what lurks underneath or they can express our innermost spirit. They are sometimes fun. Masks can certainly be dark, and they can even be sensual and sexy.

In my images that follow, I hope you’ll come to your own conclusions on what masks represent to you. In any regards, I hope they inspire and cause you to question reality as we know it….

Gas Her  - Sonja Quintero - Squint Photography

Gas Her – Sonja Quintero – Squint Photography

White Bride Madness - Sonja Quintero

White Bride Madness – Sonja Quintero

A Little Bird Told Me - Sonja Quintero

A Little Bird Told Me – Sonja Quintero

Lean In - Sonja Quintero

Lean In – Sonja Quintero

Let Her Out - Sonja Quintero

Let Her Out – Sonja Quintero

To see more of my work and subscribe to my newsletter for FREE downloads take yourself here.

Until next time!

5 Responses to “We All Wear Masks”

  1. Hello there, one of my blogs is a collaborative project on self portraits:
    I wonder if you would give me permission to share some of yours there?
    Credit given and a link back to your blog. 🙂

  2. What an awesome post!

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